Advertising Opportunities
Ensure Your
Product Service Special Offer
Is Seen
Advertise with the MAC!
The MAC’s website, newsletters, and programs are tremendous resources your company can use to promote your business, products, or special offers! Our newsletters are received by more than 4,500 members of Michigan’s chiropractic community, plus national chiropractic leaders and associations. Our social media channels have more than 2,600 followers, and our conventions are routinely among the highest attended chiropractic programs in the nation.

eJournal Advertising
The MAC eJournal is an incredible resource for your company to promote any special offers, products, or information that you would like to share with our 3,300 + recipients! eJournals are published three times a year – Spring, Fall, & Winter. Spaces are limited.
Purchase eJournal Ad Space
Full Page: 7.5″x10″ or 8.75″x11.25″ (Inside Cover/Back Cover)
Half Page: 7.5″x5″ or 3.75″x10″
Quarter Page: 3.75″x5″

Convention Advertising
Advertise in our Welcome Packet at MAC conventions. Distributed digitally and in printed form to all event attendees (average attendance 650+) before and throughout the event. Each attendee receives a printed welcome packet at the registration booth, the digital welcome packet is emailed prior to the event. Not planning on attending convention but still want to have a voice at one of the nation’s largest chiropractic events? Easy! You can still advertise!
Welcome Packet
Full Page: 7.5″x10″ or 8.75″x11.25″ (Inside Cover/Back Cover)
Half Page: 7.5″x5″ or 3.75″x10″

Video/Social Media Advertising
Advertise with these very speical opportunities. Include a video in the eJournal, on an unsponsored MAC webinar, at a MAC statewide district meeting, during a MAC podcast, and be on MAC’s social media accounts.
Video & Social Media Promotion
These video opportunities all have limited availability. You may purchase options below but a consultation with a MAC representative will be necessary before finalized.
- Video for Statewide District Meeting
- Video for Unsponsored MAC Webinar
- Audio Commerical for MAC Podcast – Coming soon!
- Customized Quarterly Social Media Promotion

MAC Matters and Action Reports Advertising
MAC Matters and MAC Action Reports are MAC’s weekly and monthly corespondents with our members, nonmembers, and other MAC participants. We have a 4,500+ viewership.
Email Medallion