Do You Know About MAC-PAC? Protect the Future of Chiropractic in Michigan!

Get Involved! Protect the Future of Chiropractic in Michigan!

MAC-PAC is the only Michigan political action committee with the primary mission of electing and supporting pro-chiropractic incumbents and candidates. To set up a recurring or one-time donation, click here.

MAC-PAC Subcommittee – Working Hard to Protect the Future of Chiropractic in Michigan!

The MAC Government Relations Committee MAC-PAC Subcommittee, chaired by Dr. Eric Hartman of Jenison, works daily to ensure our political action committee has the funds needed to support lawmakers and candidates that support chiropractic! See below for more information on MAC-PAC, our aggressive legislative agenda, and how YOU can help!

The members of the MAC-PAC Subcommittee are:

  • Dr. Eric Hartman, Chair
  • Dr. Leigh Elceser
  • Dr. Barry Hobbs
  • Dr. Kris Mercado
  • Dr. Lewis Squires

As you no doubt are aware, 2024 is an election year. The MAC Government Relations team is working hard every day to build on the successes of the past two legislative sessions and pass our aggressive agenda.

We all know that chiropractors and our patients are a powerful force when organized and motivated. Also, having legislative allies and advocates who will fight for chiropractic in the state Capitol is essential to our legislative success.

One of the most important ways we can make our agenda a reality is through donations to pro-chiropractic lawmakers from MAC-PAC, the Michigan Association of Chiropractors Political Action Committee. This agenda includes:

Co-Pay Legislation: The MAC is working with lawmakers to introduce legislation that would cap co-pays to 50% of the cost of the procedure. Language has been created and could be introduced very soon.

How many times have you had a patient whose co-pay is as much as, or even more than, the cost of the service itself? This allows insurance companies to claim they offer a benefit, while in fact your patient shoulders the entire cost. This is “phantom” coverage, and it must stop.

Chargeback Protections: While healthcare providers of all types have timely billing limits imposed on them by insurance companies, the insurance industry has no such limits on re-adjudicating a claim. As a result – and sometimes years later – insurers take payments back. The insurance companies wrote the insurance and participation contracts, defined what is payable, and adjudicated the claims. Time limits placed upon insurers are needed. The MAC Government Relations team is working with a legislative partner on legislative language. We hope this bill will also be introduced in the very near future.

School Preparticipation Screenings: The Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), a private, not-for-profit corporation of voluntary membership by more than 1,500 public and private senior high schools and junior high/middle schools, exists to develop common rules for athletic eligibility and competition. Chiropractors are not recognized by the MHSAA as being able to perform school athletic pre-participation screenings. Currently, these physicals may be conducted by MDs, DOs, PAs, and NPs.

Last August, MAC President Dr. Robert Markle and Government Relations Director Carl Alden met with MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl to advocate for a change in policy that would allow chiropractors to perform these screenings. Later this month, Dr. Markle will be testifying before a committee that recommends changes to MHSAA policies they put out to member schools. Should they ultimately not agree that DCs can perform these assessments, scope legislation may be an option.

These are just three of the issues the Government Relations team is working on. For more on the Government Relations agenda for 2023-2024, see the MAC Strategic Plan.

This agenda is dependent upon electing and re-electing candidates and legislators who support chiropractic. Without these supportive lawmakers, our key issues will not be resolved. We need to make sure every state senator and representative knows the healing power and cost-effectiveness of chiropractic’s natural approach to health care! Make your donation today! Simply click here… and support your future!

Frequently Asked Questions About MAC-PAC

What Exactly Is MAC-PAC?

In the political system of the 21st Century, political action committees (PACs) play a vital role in supporting candidates and incumbent lawmakers and swaying elected officials to specific causes. The sole purpose of a PAC is to raise money to support particular candidates, who use that money to help themselves get elected or re-elected, as the case may be.

The MAC Government Relations team advocates daily in Lansing to ensure the rights of chiropractic patients and physicians across Michigan. As the only political action committee with the primary mission of electing and supporting pro-chiropractic incumbents and candidates, MAC-PAC is an essential component of the team’s legislative strategy.

Direct financial political contributions, coupled with strong grassroots efforts, are successful approaches that have led to many victories for the chiropractic profession. MAC-PAC allows chiropractors across Michigan to pool together financial resources to elect and support lawmakers and candidates who support chiropractic – regardless of their political affiliation. When your contributions are bundled with those from other DCs across the state, MAC-PAC’s ability to protect patient access to chiropractic increases dramatically.

When you contribute to MAC-PAC, you are:

  • Strengthening our voice in Lansing and building a stronger profession in Michigan.
  • Making an investment in the future of the profession, protecting chiropractors and our patients.
  • Supporting elected officials and candidates who are true advocates for chiropractic.
  • Raising resources to convince lawmakers that expanded access to chiropractic is a critical part of the solution to the opioid crisis, skyrocketing health care costs, and more.

Doesn’t Part of My Dues Automatically Go to MAC-PAC Already?

Many doctors believe that being a member automatically makes them a PAC contributor. This is not the case, because state law requires that payments for dues be separate from payments to political action committees. Additionally, PAC contributions can only be made using personal – not corporate – funds.

Two MAC membership levels – Presidents and Ambassadors Club – both include a commitment to contribute to PAC. These contributions require a separate charge on a noncorporate credit card and a separate invoice.How Does the GR Team Decide Which Incumbents/Candidates Get MAC-PAC Donations?

If you would like to make a personal contribution to help further our legislative goals, click here or call the MAC at (517) 367-2225 and we can get you started!

How Does the GR Team Decide Which Incumbents/Candidates Get MAC-PAC Donations?

The MAC Government Relations team, in consultation with our lobbyists at Public Affairs Associates, bases donations from MAC-PAC on many factors, including:

  • Demonstrated willingness to support chiropractic in the past.
  • Leadership and other positions within important committees (House and Senate Health Policy Committees, Insurance Committees, etc.).
  • Caucus leadership positions.
  • Background and other important personal details (a chiropractic patient, supporter, etc.).

Do Other Health Professional Organizations Have PACs?

Yes. MSMS, MOA, the dental association, PTs, and more all have PACs advocating for their members’ (and their members’ patients’) interests. Sometimes we work in collaboration with these groups on our legislative issues, and sometimes we are at odds.

But probably more importantly, major insurers have PACs, too. According to a report from the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, Blue Cross’s PAC raised the seventh most amount of money of all the PACs in Michigan – more than $379,000 from January 1st through June 30th, 2019. Other PACs with traditionally large revenues and contributions include the Insurance Alliance of Michigan, Michigan Association of Health Plans, and Molina, showing the importance of strengthening our coffers so we can ensure the chiropractic message remains clear.

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