Clarification: LARA and CE Broker

This is a Completely VOLUNTARY Tracking System the State is Offering Chiropractors and Other Michigan Licensed Professionals

When you are renewing your license, you may notice an advertisement for CE Broker on the MiPlus website. If the licensee signs up for the service, they are asked for a credit card number. Let us give you some history.

It is NOT mandatory that chiropractors (or any other health care providers) use CE Broker.

On Monday, February 6, 2023, LARA sent an email to all chiropractic licensees regarding their partnership with CE Broker, a continuing education tracking system used by many regulatory boards across the nation. Chiropractic is one of 18 professions (including MDs, DOs, dentists, nurses, optometrists, acupuncturists, podiatrists, and more) in Michigan now able to use the system, which keeps track of the licensee’s continuing education (CE) credits.

The State reported to us that this is a service (for a fee) they can provide to licensees to help them keep track of the continuing education they have earned, and it is not mandatory that doctors utilize it.

The MAC does provide a similar service for our members and other chiropractors who take our programs. There are two ways the MAC achieves this:

  • CE21: All CE letters obtained through the MAC after July 1, 2023, are available in your account at Click on “My List” on your profile page. Under the event information, click on the yellow “Completion Results.” A window will pop up with access to your certificate information. Select “Access Your Certificate” then select “Download/Print Certificate” to see a download of your letter. You can also E-mail the letter to the E-mail of your choice.
  • Digital “Filing Cabinet”: We maintain a digital “filing cabinet” based on the attendee’s license renewal dates containing all continuing educations letters for MAC programs taken within their current license period. We can also store copies of CE certificates from outside programs upon request in the attendee’s “filing cabinet” folder. The MAC also provides access to their records and assistance with any questions, etc. they may have.

Especially with the State of Michigan’s recent move to a license expiration date based on your initial license date, we recommend you contact the MAC at if you have any questions regarding your current license period and your progress toward completing your CE requirements throughout that period.

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