Join MIBAC Now, Earn Increased $$$

Are you a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Participating Provider?

Would you like to receive increased reimbursement for providing quality care to your patients?

Watch this webinar, presented by Dr. Dan Spencer D.C., to learn how to enroll and participate in the MIBAC program!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! The deadline for the current cycle is 11/1/2023!

Click HERE, or the image below, to Watch the Webinar!

Remember, the current cycle deadline is 11/1/2023, so get started today!

BREAKING NEWS: Since this webinar was recorded, MIBAC has announced changes to the program that actually REDUCE the requirements to keep the increased reimbursement!

Why would you want to participate in this opportunity?

  • Increased reimbursements and other incentives for our doctors. Current uplifts are 5%.
  • The opportunity to help gather important outcome data that will help our profession show BCBSM that chiropractic care is indeed safe, affordable, valued by the public, and highly effective.
  • Participation in a program that involves various types of providers who may learn that referring to chiropractors is advantageous to everyone involved.

There is not a cost to participate and the steps are simple!

Interested in Participating?

Step One:  Fill out the Contact Form to get referred.

What is MIBAC?

MIBAC is a Collaborative of first-contact clinicians working together using a multi-disciplinary approach to evidence-based care for back pain statewide.

The goals of MIBAC are to achieve more effective care patterns, better patient outcomes, and increased clinician and patient satisfaction

Become a Member Today!

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