MAC Working to Alleviate BCBS Payment Issues

The MAC is well aware of recent payment issues regarding BCBS, including wrongful denials, payments pending for more than six weeks, and more. We are attempting to work with our contacts within BCBS to resolve these issues, but movement has been very slow, and we unfortunately continue to see these issues across the state.

Please note: The MAC is working daily to do all we can to resolve these serious concerns for our members. If you have already reached out to us, please know we will keep you updated on our efforts. If you have not reached out, please send an email with your current concerns to

We are hopeful that now that the UAW has a tentative agreement with BCBS to settle its 77-day strike by 1,300 BCBS unionized claims processing and call center workers, these issues will begin to work themselves out. It should be noted, however, that the unionized workers will remain on strike until the new contract is ratified by members, so resolution of your concerns may continue to take some time.

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

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